Monday, October 02, 2006

Bush Speeches- Brilliant!

I always hear poeple complain about Bush's speeches. even in our last class we discussed the fact that his speech writers cant write or dont seem to know how. well after laboring through my two speeches for the paper i realized that his speeches are brilliant. this is not the first time that i have had to analyze a Bush speech, however, i have always watched them prior to reading them if i ever read them at all. this time around i read them before i watched them and it made a big difference. the more I pulled the speech apart is the more i found the the speech writer knew what he or she was doing. the tone, the language, the setting was all perfect. especially in the September 11, 2006 speech. that speech would have driven an average American to action. It was very powerful in its message with its use of patriotism and fear. the next good thing about his speeches is that the writer tailors it to fit him. there are no "big" words, it is very simple. when i was learning to write newspaper articles my professor always told us to write for an audience educated at an 8th grade level. according to him if you did this you would always keep your audience. it is done in a way that they can understand. it is the same tactic that is usedin the speeches. they are written in a wy that the average person can understand. so i will not be so quick to knock Bush's speeches anymore. i think he doesnt know how to present them as well as they have been written. but they are written well.