Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Second Opinion

We've been reading a lot from the President about the War on Terror, the Iraq war, and the general state of affairs on the five year anniversary of 9/11.

Now, via C&L, comes a different take from Major General John Batiste.

Batiste was delivering a speech to the Senate Democratic Policy Committee on the planning and conduct of the Iraq War. Here's an excerpt:

"...Secretary Rumsfeld and the Administration are fighting
a war in secret that threatens our democratic values. This needs to stop right now, today."
"...we must mobilize our country for a protracted challenge, which must include conveying the "what, why, and how long" to every American, rationing to finance the totality of what we are doing, and gearing up our industrial base in a serious manner. Mortgaging our future at the rate of $1.5 billion a week and financing our great Army and Marine Corps with supplemental legislation must stop."