Monday, October 16, 2006

No protest music? Hmmm...

Much as I sometimes hate to admit it (as a father of two middle schoolers) I actually love Mr. Mathers' music (Slim Shady or Eminem to you younger folks :).

Good news for me is that he became politically active in 2004 when he released a video and accompanying lyrics prior to the 04 elections. Some media outlets still suspect the now-infamous "Mosh" single and video actually influenced the higher-than-expected younger voter turnout. I am not convinced it was borne of Eminem's efforts but do believe that the composite efforts of this type of music and imagery along with other musician outreach from the folks at Moveon and their tour did have a profound influence on the way younger people think about politics...whether it energized them enough to vote or take action remains to be seen.

In any case, the link to the Mosh video and music is pasted below. Note that there are now two versions of this -- one representing the pre-04 election period and the re-edited version for post-2004.

I hope I got the html correct:



..and I know this is supposed to be "MUSIC" week but this song really works best with the accompanying video. Much like the Eddie Vedder clip we saw in class ----- only different.