Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Left, Right, Up, Down, Ana, Kata...

So, today toward the end of class, we were talking about our personal political affiliations, and the difficulty of defining our politics by party, or by simple political labels like "conservative" or "liberal." One of the greatest flaws of the political system in this country is that the political spectrum is narrowed to two positions which are actually almost identical, in terms of the full political spectrum, and then those positions are presented as opposite ends of the realm of possible political stances. As Noam Chomsky says, the Democrats and the Republicans are just the two wings of the Business Party.

One way to see where you stand in terms of the broader range of political positions is by taking the quiz at www.politicalcompass.org. It charts your position on two axes, a Left-Right economic x-axis, and a Authoritarian-Libertarian social y-axis.

I might as well come out. I'm a libertarian communist, or, if you prefer, Anarchist Communist. But I already knew that.

You can see my graph by clicking this link. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense, it will after you take the test and see the full analysis.

I think it would be interesting if other people took the quiz and linked to their charts in the comments... your results might surprise you!