Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Who am I? . . . or is it "Who I am"

Meat-eating, gun-owning, dirt-bike riding, ice-hockey player and coach who owns an SUV, a powerboat and 2 jetskis while passionately embracing the philosophy that govt should help the less fortunate; protect an individual's right to privacy; provide for the best interests of children; and protect the environment . . . in a fiscally responsible manner.

I've had the unique opportunity to serve in a govt political appointment for five years; with 17 years as a professional in the natural resources field working to make MD. a better place. Feel free to ask me how I justify my 'toys' while suggesting protection of the environment....I've been through it before and enjoy a good discussion.

I've also had the unusual privilege of working for two different political parties in Maryland and I am looking forward to November like a football nut awaits the Superbowl.

Of course, no political party serves my interests completely so my solution was to attend law school and use the LAW (the second most powerful tool after Rhetoric) to rewrite the govt 'playbook' and some day (when my two wonderful kids are grown and working to change the world themselves), my lovely bride and I will campaign for political office and change this mess from the inside-out running on a philosophy that we can protect the environment while meeting the demands of our 'social omnivore' lifestyles; and do it in a fiscally conservative manner.
