Friday, December 08, 2006

Master’s Choice selectors know of no better blog

The power of Ethos and Pathos defies logic (literally). It works, and that's why it’s used everywhere.

In this picture we see a bag of generic frozen corn from the supermarket SuperFresh. You may notice the subtext on the package. It reads:

"Master’s Choice selectors know of no other sweeter or more tender corn."


Master’s Choice has Ethos?

The name that SuperFresh has given to a line of generic products has the credibility to speak about the quality of corn?

By definition this is the same exact corn sold in 50 different supermarkets across the country. Surely it’s excellent corn, but are we so taken with Master’s Choice ability to pick cheap food that we can invent an Ethos for them?

The answer is yes. Not because Master’s Choice has Ethos, but because Ethos has Ethos and people aren’t interested in the truth. It doesn’t matter who says it’s good, just that somebody says it’s good. Even if that somebody is a fictional company created to give generic packaging a little more pizzazz.

Logic doesn't stand a chance.